The Mistral page
Everything You Needed to Know but Failed to Find Out
My name is Mistral Ebony and here you will learn everything you needed to know about life through a variety of media and writing. The subject matter will range from what my younger sister had for breakfast to how to dismantle an atomic bomb.
Erratically Posted Jargon
Stranger in my House
There’s a stranger in my house. It took a while to figure it out. There’s no way you could be who you say you are. You’ve got to be someone else. Because he wouldn’t touch me like that. And he wouldn’t treat me like you do. He would adore me. He wouldn’t ignore me. So I’m convinced there’s a stranger in my house.
As you can see the CFSC’s 17th Annual Ice Show was some time ago. It went far faster than it did in the past years. No one really botched it up, and Rita’s, Molly’s, and Amanda’s solos went well. Our Hockey number was a success and the little Skate With Us kids were cute as buttons.
I went to see the Eau Claire’s Show a couple weeks after that, and I am proud to say that we completely owned their faces off in terms of awesome and skill. Our skaters get to receive their flowers right on the ice, our skaters get to be in more than one awesome number, and our skaters, even the tiny little Skate With Us kids, get to be mentioned as actual CFSC members, unlike Eau Claire.
Even my fellow Chippewa skaters agree: we are so much better than them.
Eskimoes are Cool
Deal or No Deal is an interesting show. The sheer chance and incredible margin of money is pretty impressive, too. I mean, you have a chance of getting $1,000,000 or...a penny. And it's not discriminatory either. The first lady I watched won $204,000, and then the guy after her won ten bucks.
Speaking of the lady before, she was technically an eskimo. She was from Alaska. She was trying to win money for her children and her family. Her father, mother, and sister were cheering her on from the sidelines all dressed up in traditional clothing, and her father had a little drum that he patted and they all danced. later on in the game, when it was getting to some high deals, her mother gave her a furry hat and she danced with the furry hat.
I was entertained by the hat and it made me smile. It would make you smile too, wouldn't it? An Eskimo dancing in a furry hat. It's just precious.
A Bad Day
What is the definition of a bad day/week/life? Oh put your hands down, I’ll explain it to you.
A bad day is when you wake up in the hospital and remember that you tried before you fell asleep to kill your mass-murderer older brother, fail, and get mind-raped by said brother with a fancy eye trick. You wake up and there's this annoying girl hugging you and trying to feed you apples. Then your rival comes in and it's his fault in the first place and he acts like nothing happens. Then you attempt to fight said rival, get stopped, and it's proven that he's getting stronger than you anyways. Then you run away to angst and get confronted by a bunch of thugs who want to take your lunch money and whisk you off to a pedophiliac snake lover.
A bad week is when it starts off when a close friend of yours is finding out what you're really like when you just want them to stay out of their business. Then another friend turns out to be an evil clone and in order to get your special powers, tears out your left eye. In order to stop the evil clone dude from using your magic, it would be better to die, but no. The prying friend decides to save your life by turning you into a vampire. Then the bad guy that you put to sleep some time ago has woken up and is chasing you across dimensions. And if that isn’t enough, some random curse form when you were a kid decides to come back and kick you in the face and makes you stab a princess.
A bad life is being created by a card, living in denial with your grandpa and brother, getting made fun of all your life for being all disabled and the like, and then finally your house gets burned down and your gramps and bro are killed. Then you get amnesia. But not really. Then you get caught up in an evil God’s wrath and get all tainted by this creepy duchess person. And then it hurts like hell when this girl tries to un-taint you. And then you finally get un-tainted, go back to your friends, and they’re all mad at you now because you tried to kill them all.
So, how has your day been?
Baby Orange vs Bearded Dragon
Hello Boils and Ghouls, this is the first update of this brand and shiny new page. I hope that I can provide entertainment for all you lovely viewers out there.
After some persuasion of our dear presidents, the Mistral Page is up and running! I think the first topic on this page should be my amazing and tiny midget orange. It's so small. I was walking down the hall and showing my baby orange to everyone I knew! All but one person was amazed by it.
But then I was owned totally by a teacher with a bearded dragon. Bearded dragons are so cool and if anyone disagrees with me they need to be shot in the face. With a bearded dragon. Yes that is possible.
Awkward Zombie [Katie Tiedrich's Video Game Comic Site]
Light & Dark [AkureiKarasu's Gaara & Naruto Shrine]
Konoha's Leaves [Naruto's all grown up and the kids take center stage.]